Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cellphone Crazed Society?

The article in McLean’s magazine “Public Display of Disaffection” explores the cons of cell phone use in public. “Were losing our one-on-one people skills and ability to engage in uninterrupted, focused conversations,” a professor of the Protocol School of Washington reported cell phone related rudeness is so bad it’s treated like a disease. Users are so far gone and unaware of what they’re even doing.

“Up to ten percent of people under the age of twenty five don’t see anything wrong with texting during sex”. These vulgar acts of “cell-fishness” are humiliating to people who don’t use they’re cell phones under such unnecessary conditions.          

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Man

I walk out of my house one early, crisp fall morning, on a stroll to town. Walking down a long dirt road I come across a rugged man standing in the middle of my path. I had never seen anyone like this before. His beige suede hat tilted across his right eyebrow. His eyes starred me down like an eagle hunting its prey. The jean like jacket, torn cloth shirt, and big buckled belt he threw on his thin, meager body, brought me back to the early 1900 gypsy men. Across his chest lay two guns that he grasps in his skeletal like hands. One was pointing to the grey gloomy sky, and the other, pointing left. His stance was wide, and his feet planted like they were stuck in cement. He was not moving anywhere. I turned around and began to walk towards my home again, looking back every few minutes. His silhouette broadened with the sunlight, but still no movement. I think to myself, who is this man?       

Friday, November 4, 2011

Parallel Structure

I am a very appealing person. Student by day, black belt by night. I bowl a strike every time, I communicate with birds. I speed skate, tight rope walk, and perform magic. Men are hypnotized by my unbelievable chess skills. I tended to soldiers in World War 1.

I can disappear with the snap of my fingers, I can beat every Sudoku game invented in less than 1 minute. I can tear a phone book in half with my toes, I can read your mind.

I’ve sang with Shania Twain, I’ve been skydiving with Osama Bin Laden. I’ve wrestled King Kong. I’ve held my breath for 10 hours while swimming in a tank full of sharks. People turns they’re heads, as I six walk by. I’ve read every book in Penticton Public Library, I’ve starred on the hit show “Jersey Shore”.

Mondays I heal terminal illnesses around the world, Tuesdays I work for The New World Order. Wednesdays I sleep, clean, and rob banks. Thursdays I fly to third world countries and give every little boy and girl a home cooked meal. Fridays I answer my emails from God.

I once folded a thousand paper cranes, I once listened to my parents. I once went surfing in Australia, I once ate 10 Big Macs. I once built the highest building in the world. I once went to a school dance but I have never, been to College.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

     "How was your day sweetie?"
He snapped, "Fine."
     She replied, "Did you get the errands done I asked you to do?"
"Mmmm", he muttered, "No."
     "Why not?" She answered.
"It was a busy day at the office, sorry." He responded.
     "I’m getting real tired of this," she stated. "I do everything around here!"
"Lets not do this now; I’ve got a headache as it is"
     "I asked you to do two things, how hard is it to pick up milk and the dry-cleaning?"
"Damnit, I’m reading my paper right now!" he yelled, "I'll do it tomorrow."
     "Too late, I already did it. Goodnight," as she rolled over and went to sleep.
He exclaimed, “These sales are amazing!”

Friday, September 30, 2011


George was alone in the stable when Curley's wife appeared in the doorway. Their eyes locked like the apple of his eye. She stuck out like a sore thumb. They talked until they were blue in the face, but George knew if he got caught he’d never see the light of day again. George ran for the hills. In a Blink of an eye, Curley saw him creep out of the barn. It was like a deer in headlights. George had shot himself in the foot. He was in trouble. All hell broke loose as the two began to fight. It was raining cats and dogs. Curley’s wife came out and slapped them both on the back. That they were acting like a bunch of hooligans. George was fired for the incident. With not a penny to his name, he took off like a heard of turtles to look for a new job. He searched like there was no tomorrow. For George, its hard finding jobs anywhere when he has to look after Lennie. See Lennie is dumber than a box of rocks. His elevator doesn’t quite reach the top floor. Lennie likes to make mountains out of mole hills, which make George’s blood, boil. Money doesn’t grow on trees, So they better find a new ranch to work on Lickety- split quick.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Moral Dilemma

Karen Taras

Green Ave
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 3W1

September 22, 2011

Jim Smith
British Columbia
Dear Sir:

The shocking news of Gunter Grass, I would have never seen it coming. What a wonderful man he is today. All the good things he’s doing for our village, I believe this evidence should remain a secret. If the news of Gunter Grass was exposed, the village would go to pieces before our eyes. The Second World War was a time of brainwashing. If Gunter Grass was brainwashed, he may not have chosen to be a commandant of a concentration camp himself, but to stay alive. He is now making his horrifying procedures right by helping out people of the village, and donating moneys, also he has taken the roll of Mayor. Gunter Grass is now 92 years old, if he is not capable of dictating a village of 1000 people, he will surely not be able to conduct chilling events as he once did of 15,000. A close eye should be kept on him to ensure that, but he’s astounding with his children and grandchildren. He now has to take a more responsible care for the children due to the death of his wife 6 years ago. He dearly misses his wife and needs to hold everything related to her close to his heart. No harmful signs of Gunter Grass have been reported since 1945. I believe this man should go on about his life as he has for the past 60 years and do more great things. Evidence of the past should be exterminated. And our village shall remain at peace.


Karen Taras

Friday, September 9, 2011

Grade 12

Today is a day which I will remember for the rest of my life. Graduation. Walking across that stage is not the end for us, but really just the beginning of the worst days ever, reality. Paying bills, cooking our own dinners, getting a job, doing our laundry! Everything is going to be new, the responsibilities and the expectations to succeed are crucial. Getting to this point took forever, but looking back only takes a second. And I will carry the memories and the moments Princess Margaret has given me for the rest of my life. Maggie has been the place of all my firsts, and made me the person I am today.